Commitment to more sustainability
Much has also happened at Jenoptik in 2021 when it comes to sustainability. For example, the Group sent out clear signals for more sustainability in group financing, with measures and non-financial targets. After all, at Jenoptik, economic success goes hand in hand with responsible ecological action.
UN Global Compact
Non-financial targets
In 2021, on the subject of what contribution Jenoptik can make to the goals of the Paris Climate Accord, we defined clear goals against which we can be measured. By 2025, we intend to cut our CO2 emissions by 30 percent compared to the base year of 2019. The savings will come from direct emissions released by Jenoptik itself and indirect emissions from purchased energy.

Group financing with ESG components
Jenoptik placed a sustainability-linked debenture bond worth 400 million euros on the capital market in the spring.
At the end of the year, we also expanded our scope for further investment by refinancing and increasing our syndicated loan to 400 million euros at favorable market conditions, with an option to increase it by additional 200 million euros. We aligned the structure of the loan to verifiable goals with regard to sustainability in the supply chain, the group-wide share of green electricity and the diversity of management.