Mobile speed cameras for safer roads
Jenoptik's mobile speed camera systems help make hazardous road sections safer.
Jenoptik specialists have developed various systems for mobile speed enforcement. Every unit can be flexibly deployed and relied on to deliver precise vehicle speed measurements. In the event of traffic violations, state-of-the-art radar and laser technology and a high-resolution camera produce accurate results and clear images. The images are legally admissible and will stand up in a court.
Jenoptik mobile speed camerasystems are lightweight and compact, and quick and simple to set up and dismantle. Re-location is then quick. Depending on the model, TraffiStar® products can be installed in vehicles or on tripods. In either case, the equipment is easy to assemble and is immediately ready for use.
The mobile speed camera systems simultaneously record vehicles across multiple lanes and travelling in either direction. The equipment can differentiate between different vehicle classes such as cars and lorries. Different speed limits can then be specified for different vehicle classes.
Mobile speed measurement using a vehicle or tripod is suitable for any location, e.g. difficult to access places or hazardous road sections such as tunnels, bridges or motorways. The measurement equipment is discreet and blends perfectly into the surroundings. Accident black spots can then be targeted and traffic safety increased effectively over the long term. Jenoptik specialists will be happy to advise you on which TraffiStar® product best meets your needs.
Benefits to you
- Precise: Radar and laser sensors deliver precision measurements.
- Flexible: The mobile speed cameras can be set up quickly and easily and exactly where it is needed.
- Legally admissible evidence: High-resolution camera with flash captures clear images even on dark roads.
- Compact: The mobile speed camera systems are lightweight and several are enclosed in a single housing (e.g. the tripod solution).
- Non-invasive: No modifications to roads or vehicles required.
- Saves costs: Savings in time and resources for installation and maintenance.
- Individualised: Mobile speed camera systems for different applications to meet specific requirements.
- Speed enforcement: Mobile speed camera systems to increase traffic safety.
Products: Mobile speed cameras
TraffiStar S290M – Tripod deployment: Radar equipment for mobile speed enforcement

Mobile speed camera system using the TraffiStar S290M: The system uses state-of-the-art 3D radar technology and a high-resolution camera within a single housing.
TraffiStar S290M mobile speed camera systems are especially compact and lightweight and therefore ideally suited for mobile speed enforcement. They are equipped with high-resolution cameras, a 6.5" TFT colour display and a radar sensor to enable high precision speed measurement and clear images of speeding vehicles. Two images are captured that are shown in real time on a built-in display.
The mobile speed camera systems can be set up and dismantled in just few steps at any location. A user-friendly three-button system enables the system to be made operational in minimum time. Relocation is then quick and flexible. The housing is IP (International Protection Code) class 65 compliant, i.e. dust tight and fully protected from water jets. The mobile speed camera system has a powerful battery enabling measurements to be taken for a full day without charging.
TraffiStar S290M radar units detect speeding vehicles across up to six lanes simultaneously, and in both directions. Different speed limits can be pre-set for cars and trucks.
Benefits of TraffiStar S290M
- Precise: 3D radar provides precision measurements.
- Legally admissible evidence: Vehicles are clearly identifiable in the images.
- Compact: Camera, colour display and radar technology within a single housing.
- Lightweight: The mobile speed camera system is comparatively light and allows quick re-location.
- Non-invasive: No modifications to roads required.
- Saves resources: Low costs for installation and maintenance.
- User friendly: Units are quick and flexible to set up and dismantle.
Application of TraffiStar S290M
- Speed enforcement: Mobile measurement equipment to increase traffic safety.
TraffiStar S350 – Tripod deployment: Laser based mobile speed enforcement system

TraffiStar S350 mobile speed camera systems can be flexibly deployed using a tripod making them mobile and inconspicuous.
State-of-the-art laser technology ensures that TraffiStar S350 mobile speed camera systems precisely capture vehicle speeds. No modifications to roads required. The equipment is quick and easy to install on a tripod enabling a secure system for speed enforcement to be set up and dismantled in no time. No monitoring of measurement procedures is necessary.
TraffiStar S350 in combination with a tripod can be used at any location, e.g. the mobile speed camera system can be set up in difficult to access locations.
TraffiStar S350 has been designed to be deployed in three different ways. In addition to use on a tripod, it can also be deployed for stationary and semi-stationary speed measurement. This saves costs while increasing road safety.
Jenoptik specialists will be happy to advise you on which model best meets your needs.
Benefits of TraffiStar S350
- Reliable: State-of-the-art laser technology measures vehicle speed.
- Robust: The mobile speed camera system is fall-proof, weather-resistant and therefore ideally suited to mobile use.
- Discrete: For genuine measurements.
- Flexible: Suitable for any location, including difficult to access locations.
- Mobile: Quick to re-locate whenever necessary.
- Non-invasive: No modifications to roads required.
- Quick set up: Equipment is quick and easy to set up and is ready for operation in minimum time.
- Legally admissible evidence: Vehicle classification, images and measurements are stored in encrypted form and fully documented.
Applications of TraffiStar S350
- Speed enforcement: Mobile speed camera systems for tripods to increase traffic safety.
TraffiStar S350 – Vehicle deployment: Laser based mobile speed camera system inside a vehicle

Flexible, simple and reliable – Mobile speed camera system using TraffiStar S350 delivers precise results.
TraffiStar S350 records vehicle speeds using state-of-the-art laser technology making measurements especially accurate and reliable. The mobile speed camera system can be used for mobile speed enforcement. It is quick and easy to install and dismantle inside a vehicle's front, side or rear. TraffiStar S350 can be made operational extremely quickly. The mobile speed camera system can be flexibly converted between mobile, semi-stationary and stationary applications, thus maximizing traffic enforcement and minimizing costs.
Mobile speed enforcement enables you to flexibly select a measuring location and to re-locate at short notice whenever necessary. Aligning the vehicle and starting measurement immediately is easy. Separate approval or calibration for mobile use in a vehicle is not required.
Vehicle installation: Individual and ergonomic
TraffiStar® products enable you to individually and ergonomically organise your workplace. Benefit from a fully equipped, operational vehicle:
- Optimised interior installation enabling hours of measurement operations
- Direct access to equipment and operating elements
- Window ventilation gives the system clear views
- Comfortable and healthy workplace: with adjustable RECARO seat and hydraulically height-adjustable table, individually adaptable to body size
- Modern workplace illumination using LEDs
- Pleasant working temperature from an independent heater
- Practical storage compartments in side and rear modules for safe storage and transport of equipment
Benefits of TraffiStar S350 for vehicle installation
- Ergonomics: Set up an individualised and ergonomic workplace.
- Precision: Accurate laser technology measures vehicle speed.
- Flexible: Quick to re-locate and make operational.
- Saves costs: No modifications to vehicle required.
- User friendly: Equipment is quick and flexible to set up and dismantle.
- Versatile: The mobile speed cameta systems are suitable for mobile, semi-stationary and stationary use.
- Legally admissible evidence: Measurements, vehicle classification and images are documented in detail and stored in encrypted form.
Applications of TraffiStar S350 for vehicle installation
- Speed enforcement: Mobile speed camera systems for vehicles to increase traffic safety.
Do you have any questions? We will be happy to help!

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